
Grand Master of Ohio

Mr. C. Paul Robinson

About Our Grand Master

Grand Master’s Message

Almost 30 years ago my Masonic Lodge was losing its 99year lease. It was not going to be renewed. One of my Masonic Brothers was an Odd Fellow. He invited several of us to join the Odd Fellows and then they would rent their hall to us for our meetings. I asked, “What do Odd Fellows do at their meetings?” He said, “we have a short business meeting, eat pizza, play cards and shoot pool. We have a good time and good fellowship.” It sounded like it would be fun, so I convinced about 12 Masons to join the Caledonia #299 Independent Order of Odd Fellows. That solved the Masons lease problem and boosted the Odd Fellowship membership. The majority of those members still belong to both lodges.

We were taken to several lodges to receive the degrees. I was impressed with the degree work and the Brothers that were putting on the degrees. Unfortunately, all the lodges where we received our degrees are now gone. I could not imagine then that 30 years later I would be installed as Grand Master.


I’ve travelled throughout the State of Ohio and several of the surrounding states where I have met some wonderful Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. I have seen some beautiful sites and stately lodge buildings. I had some great conversations and enjoyed some great food. Along the way I have made some lifelong friends. Through Odd Fellowship, I have learned a lot over the years. This journey has been one of the high points of my life. One does not get to an exalted position such as this by oneself. I’ve had many people mentor and help me obtain this honor. I want to thank you all for your support.

I became a Township Trustee 20 years ago. My campaign theme was “Work Together”. The explanation: how we get things done. That was also my theme as Grand Patriarch and it will be my theme as Grand Master. I believe in my heart that if we work together, we can make our Fraternity and lodges better and more successful. I believe we need to make ourselves and lodges more visible in the community.

People need to see our good work. Let our light shine. We need to show our good works so that people observing will say, “I want to be a part of that.” Let’s make Odd Fellows!

I want to thank all my officers and district deputies in advance. Without your commitment and hard work Odd Fellowship would not be successful. If we want to get younger members we must embrace technology. Younger people thrive on technology. I would like to thank Deputy Grand Master Parson for his hard work on the new web page and facebook page.

One of my goals this year is to visit all the lodges in Ohio. I want to meet as many members as I can. It is important to keep our lodges open. Once a lodge is closed it is gone forever.

Finally, if there is anything that I can help your lodges with, please call or text me. I’m here to serve the Order.

In Friendship, Love, and Truth

C. Paul Robinson, Jr.

Grand Master